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Easy plants to grow

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Listed in this article are some easy-to-grow houseplants for beginners

While an increasing number of people are turning to the garden as a rewarding hobby, it might seem difficult for first-time plant owners. However, this need not be the case, if you opt for plants that are easy to grow. An easy-to-grow houseplant adjusts to its immediate surrounding and does not require much care.

How to select houseplants

The main rule of thumb is to opt for healthy houseplants for your home. “Do not fall for a taller plant. Instead, look for a fuller plant. A nursery usually has multiple plants of the same variety, choose the best. Look for a plant with many stalks or stems. Avoid unhealthy plants with wilting or brown leaves and also check for pests, damage, discoloration, or holes in the leaves that may be indicative of a pest attack on that plant and avoid buying them,” says Vinayak Garg, founder, Lazy Gardener.

“Ask for advice at the nursery and determine which plants will thrive in the available sun or shade and be patient in nurturing them,” adds Garg.

Easy-to-grow indoor plants

Easy plants to grow

Listed below are some easy-to-grow plants:

Pothos: These houseplants are ideal for beginners, as they can grow in various surroundings and do well in well-drained soil and bright, indirect sunlight. This vine can be grown in any container or in hanging baskets.

Palms: Areca palm is one of the easiest houseplants to grow in India and it is an excellent natural humidifier. This sturdy green foliage plant can deal with demanding weather conditions and is reasonably low on maintenance. Areca palm needs to be filtered or indirect light and well-drained and fertile soil.

Ferns: Boston ferns grow easily in shaded or moderately lit areas and in moist areas and indoor areas. Fern plants are the best indoor plants to put in hanging pots for their cascading effect.

Philodendron: Since the plant thrives in medium light, place it in a bright spot but never under direct sunlight. It adapts well to low light and is best for indoor areas.

English ivy: This plant needs bright light and is one of the easiest indoor vines to grow. Keep the pot in a spot that receives bright and indirect sunlight. It also needs moist and well-drained soil that is not soggy.

Other than these, some other easy-to-grow indoor plants include the spider plant, peace lily, snake plant, lucky bamboo, etc. Many cacti and succulents need little care, too.

Easy-to-grow outdoor plants

Easy plants to grow

Hibiscus is one of the most popular home-grown plants in India that flowers in abundance throughout the year. It needs at least six hours of sunlight and well-drained, moist soil. Since it is prone to pest attacks, be alert and protect the Hibiscus plant by using neem spray.

Aloe vera is an easy-to-maintain succulent, which offers health and beauty benefits. This plant needs to be kept near a sunny window/balcony, where it can get enough light. It requires well-drained, sandy soil to thrive. Water it only when the soil looks dry. It does well in dry conditions. So, water it carefully.

Tulsi is an excellent mosquito-repellent and has medicinal properties. This commonly-grown balcony plant in Indian homes requires four to six hours of sunlight and well-drained soil.

Jade plant requires the least care, needs little water and four hours of sunlight, and well-drained soil.

Anthurium plant flowers all year long. The leaves of this plant are clustered in shape and the inflorescence bears red exotic flowers. It needs bright indirect sunlight and moist soil.

For outdoor plants, a beginner can also grow herbs (such as curry leaves, fennel, ajwain), snake plants, rubber plants, weeping figs, pansy, dracaena, kalanchoes, and African violets.

Basic tips for taking care of plants

  • If the plants are grown indoors, make sure you do not bunch the plants together.
  • If the plants are grown on a window sill, opt for lightweight pots.
  • Buy containers with holes in the bottom to allow the excess water to drain out.
  • Plants need light to thrive. So be aware of where the sunlight falls.
  • A clustered arrangement helps plants to thrive better.
  • Healthy soil makes healthy plants. Ensure it has manure or compost.
  • It is best to find out about the kind and amount of fertilizers to be used for each plant.
  • Follow a weekly care routine. Wipe the dust on the leaves with a wet cloth, check for pest attacks and treat them immediately.


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