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Technological innovations in smart homes and the way forward in 2022

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Modern-day homes are undergoing an experience upgrade, transforming from connected homes to intelligent, intuitive, and proactive homes

Smart homes ushered in a new era of ease and convenience, by improving lifestyles and yet, making lives simple. Homes with cutting-edge technologies that enable individuals to control and automate lights, entertainment systems, air-conditioning, and other linked equipment from afar, have emerged as the homes of the future. Today, our homes are undergoing an experience upgrade and are transforming from connected homes to intelligent, intuitive, and proactive homes.

Innovations in smart homes in 2021

Several technological innovations that we have witnessed in the home automation space started to permeate into homes and spaces, with the ongoing pandemic accelerating the pace further. The facility to control homes through a wireless medium makes living in a smart home an immersive and revolutionary experience. This need has been reinforced by the disruptions experienced due to the pandemic. We can operate practically all of the equipment in our homes (such as a high-tech music system, a geyser, multiple appliances, or the lighting across specific areas) from any place.

In 2021, smart home technology trends were focused on and emphasized health benefits. Smart doorbells have come to the fore with their touchless features. With the widespread shift to virtual work, smart home solutions, particularly for home offices, have gained immense traction and are continuing to improve and revamp as organizations extend office closures and adopt hybrid or permanent work-from-home policies. From noise-canceling windows to AI filters that disguise and camouflage surroundings on video calls, these smart home solutions are just the beginning of brimming possibilities in this arena.

From smart homes to intelligent, intuitive homes in 2022

There is a positive outlook in the minds of homeowners, for automated, intelligent homes. According to a McKinsey report, the value for the Internet of Things (IoT) market will reach $11.1 trillion by 2025. Thus, the need to orchestrate data from home devices and sensors will continue growing immensely. We are in a transition phase where smart homes need to become intelligent and sustainable homes. We need to forge a future where we move to zero-touch user interfaces (UI). The future of smart homes is for them to become completely intuitive environments that can manage the external and internal needs of their residents.

A sentient home empowers accessibility with smart devices connected to wireless control, to provide seamless usability, operability, and control. Smart homes of the future will be able to detect patterns based on the preferences of individuals and will gradually integrate them into the regular operations of devices and gadgets. It is crucial to utilize the power of these gadgets in a sustainable manner as they become more prevalent and permeate into our homes and spaces. The emphasis on home automation devices is moving towards product durability, scalability, and efficiency. As we move towards 2022, smart homes of the future will continue evolving as all-encompassing, intuitive, and intelligent spaces that drive delight and inspire possibilities.


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